Asking and Giving Opinion (Material)

How are you everyone?
We hope you all are in a good condition.
So, in this opportunity, Kami punya materi buat kelas XI khususnya dan umumnya buat semua yang sedang mempelajari bahasa inggris.

In the social life, sering kita mempunyai pendapat (opinion) yang berbeda-beda mengenai sesuatu. Hal tersebut bisa berupa trending topic, barang yang dimiliki, bahkan pendapat tentang seseorang. Well, kali ini englishzamannow akan memberikan materi tentang asking and giving opinion tentunya dalam bahasa inggris.

Alright, langsung saja kita bahas materi nya one by one.

Asking Opinion

    • What do you think of…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
    • What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat mu?)
    • What do you think about…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
    • What are you feeling? (Apa perasaanmu?)
    • What your view on? (Bagaimana pandangan mu?)
    • What is your reaction? (Apa reaksimu?)
    • What do you like? (Apa yang kamu suka?)
    • What is your idea? (Apa pendapatmu?)
    • What is your comment? (Apa komentar mu?)

Giving Opinion

  • In my opinion (Di pendapatku)
  • I think…. (Menurut saya)
  • I think that (Aku berfikir bahwa)
  • I think I like it (Aku pikir aku menyukainya)
  • I personally consider …. (Saya beranggap)
  • In my opinion (Menurut Opini saya)
  • I personally believe (Saya yakin)

Biasanya dalam memberikan opini (giving opinion) setelah Subject (I,You,We,They,She,He,It) hampir selalu diikuti kata sifat (adjective). For example: I think your car is good and useful for your life.
Nah dari kalimat tadi, ada 2 kata sifat (adjective) yaitu good dan useful.

Masih bingung? let's we take a look the dialogue:

Dono: Hi ndro...
Indro: Hi don, what's going on?
Dono: I want to ask you something. Are you busy right now?
Indro: No,  I am not. What do you want to ask?
Dono: I will continue my study to Siliwangi University. What is your opinion about that?
Indro: I think that Siliwangi University is a good university in tasikmalaya and also in east Priangan.
Dono: I'm confused, I want to join ITB, but my parents don't allow me because it is too far.
Indro: You don't need to be worried. Just follow your parents I think because they will pay for your study.
Dono: You're right, I have still little time to think again. Thanks for your opinion and suggestion.
Indro: Don't mention it. It's OK.

Ok, itu tadi materi tentang asking and giving opinion. Do you understand? We hope yes.
Jika belum mengerti, bisa bertanya lewat kolom komentar.

See you on the next post guys.

Thank You

Best Regards

Admin Mr. T

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